So today is Independence Day, more commonly know as the Fourth of July. Now some people think it's about the fire works....
(My family likes aerial fireworks the best)
Or could it be about the barbecue that seems mandatory on the Fourth of July...

Or it could be about the parade and receiving the candy that is thrown at you...

But shouldn't the fourth be about honoring the founding of this country and the men and women who have died to show the love and devotion that they have for this country. Don't get me wrong the fireworks, barbecues, and parades are all fun and enjoyable. But that shouldn't be what we look forward to on the fourth.
This morning I had the opportunity to play with the concert band I'm in at a sunrise flag ceremony. Now as a rule I'm not a big fan of Fourth of July music. It's all marches and an oboe is personally not a very good instrument for playing the traditional marches that we all know and love. But in any concert that is a patriotic concert you can count on seeing two songs. First is Stars and Stripes by John Phillip Sousa. The second is the Armed Force Salute, which is basically a collaboration of all the military branches melody's. Every time I play this song I like to watch the audience. There are always men and sometimes women that stand up when they hear there branches melody being played. Men from Vietnam and other wars stand up straight and proud with a salute, proud of the service they have given.
Let us remember that Fourth of July is our Independence Day. And that our soldiers have given up their lives to protect our freedom and others freedom as well. Support our troops because they protect everything we hold dear such as our land, families, and liberties.
God Bless America!