Monday, December 20, 2010

My Crazy Life To This Point

Wow, I finally have a moment to sit down and breathe. It has been one crazy month. It all started when I came home after Thanksgiving. My mom drove me back to St. George and my goodness the roads were awful. I'm so glad my mom and I made it back to St. George safely. My mom also stayed and watched the concert that I had on Tuesday. I love when I know I have people in the audience to support me. The next two weeks flew by really fast and before I knew it the dreaded week had come. The cursed word of any college student: FINALS WEEK!
It was during this week that I learned a lot about myself. I learned that when you shelter your feelings in it makes you weaker not stronger. By learning to share what is going on in your life the stress can be melted away and lead to something better. I also learned what an amazing thing the Atonement of Jesus Christ is. It isn't just there for seeking for forgiveness, it's also there as a support to us because Christ felt what I felt and knows what i'm going through. It was an amazing experience to learn this. I've learned that when the rocks that you think hold you up and fall out from underneath you it's Christ with his atonement that builds a bridge underneath you to lead you to the right path that you are supposed to take.
And then the rest of that week. Of course once finals week were over and I had to work three days before I could go back and be with my family. Well to describe those three days, lets just say that I'm glad it is over. I think those three days were longer than the rest of the week was, because along with having to work I got a cold. But now I am home and happy to be spending time with my family.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Well I'm going to try the whole blogging thing again. And maybe just maybe i'll succeed in updating it with more than eight months in between. My life in past couple months has been a roller coaster of emotions filled with happy and sad moments. In the past couple months I have moved back home and then back to school. I'm still working on pre-req's for my major but it will be worth it. Right now it is finals week and the stress is never ending. Right now the song that just keeps going through my head is from Princess and the Frog. "Cause I've climbed a mountain and I've crossed a river and I'm almost there."And I truly am. i have two more finals and four days of work and then it's off to spend lots of time with the family. I have to say that I love being a college student. While life is sometimes difficult you learn things about yourself that you never knew. College is definitely a different experience and I'm so glad that I'm able to live it.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Adrenaline Rush!

So today I did a cliff repel down a 150 foot cliff. Talk about one of the scariest things I've ever done before. I'm still kind of shocked that I did it. We first had to climb up through the canyon so that we could get to the top. I felt kinda funny because i'm kinda a klutz and so it was harder to climb up all the rocks that were inside it. At least i only fell once. and then we finally got to the top. I e=was so closed to saying i'm not going to do it. i was so scared, there were times that i thought i was going to fall. The feeling that i had when i got down was amazing. i was so shaky and excited when i got down. i think that if i ever have a chance to do it again i will definitely do it again.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Sunny Days

Oh how beautiful and warm it is right now. It's the best way to start out before Easter. I'm reading Facebook and all my friends statuses are say how there is so much snow. Once again I am glad to be living where I'm living and always having lots of sun. The two best things about the sun is the heat (obviously) and being able to swim in an outdoor pool. It's such an easy way for me to workout and lots of fun. I'm so glad it's almost the weekend because I get to see my family. So happy!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ling Ping Yeow Po Shang

So this is what happens when me and my roomies get hyper off papa johns. we start thinking of random words, which then turn into random movie names and then it's a constant laughing party. Crazy fun. So our new phrase is Ling Ping Yeow Po Shang! Name that movie!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break, Chalk Dance, And Movie

Well I'm going to catch up on my crazy life from the last two weeks. Last week I was home for my spring break. I had lots of fun with my family and friends. I love going home and it was great to see my family which I hadn't really seen since Christmas Break. I also went to the military ball. my uncle is in a military rock band and every year they give a ball and it's a night full of good music and dancing. Then there was the lovely day when I had to come home from spring break. It was time to get back into studying, class, and school. Happy Day! And that brings me back to my next happy fun subject: The Chalk Dance! I went with 3 friends and had a blast. When you got to the dance you received 2 bags of chalk. And you basically got to throw it at everyone. And it was alot of fun and very messy. By the time the dance was done I was covered in chalk and my clothes and hair were multicolored. (courtesy of the friends I went with) And then I got to see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. Such a cute movie. It really was a little juvenile but still lots of fun. Well thats a basic summary of my life to this point!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Concert Day

What a day. At least it didn't drag on and on like yesterday did. i guess the phrase if you have a bad Monday, the rest of the week is true. so much stress though. one minute your relaxed and thinking everything is good. and then you look at your calander and you have three test and dont know where they sprang up from. then you can add the concerts to that. since it's around the midterms week of course concerts are involved. i have two of them. orchestra and band. well the band one was tonight. i love playing in the concert hall. it makes us sound much better. at least i think it does. in reality it can also make us sound much worse, but who knows? the concert went well. i wouldnt say that the music we played was my favorite but some of it was still fun. i can wait till we start the next concert music. hopefully we can get alot of fun music.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bad Day

What is it about bad days that can tear you down. because i can say right now that i've had loads of better ones. it was one of those days that if someone asks you to pick out one single event that made it bad you cant. because as indivdual activies it wasnt all that bad. but when you put them all together it was enough to push you to the ground and want to give up.
But onto a happier note. i had a piano lesson today i have 3 pages put together with 2 more to go and i'm feeling rather accomplished. i love the song i'm playing it's called Doctor Gradus and Parnassum by Debussy. i'm really liking it because it's a fast melodic song. definetly a fun combination.
tonight was also family home evening. lots of fun as usually. i love hanging out with all my church friends. and each time i go i meet a new person so it makes it funner and funner to go each time. i really like something that our teacher said. She said, "the world doesn't revolve around us, it revolves around everyone but us." i think that if everyone were to follow this philosophy our world would be a much happier place because everyone would be serving each other and not just thinking about themselves.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Lunches

Oh 9:00 church. As some would put it it's a blessing in disguise. And most of the time it's true. But I'm glad that no matter what time i have church i can still go. I love the friends that I have in my ward, and we also have an amazing bishopric and fun teachers. Another really good part about sunday is getting to spend time with some of my friends. We have kind of made up a tradition of having lunch together and just talking, having fun, and eating. It's funny the things that can happen. For instance today we had navajo tacos and scones. To save on some time we bought some bread dough that was premade. My friend took it out of her freezer last night and left it out to defrost. Imagine our suprised when we came back and it had burst open the bag and spread out about six inches out of the bag. We had alot of fun cooking up the scones though. :D

Thursday, February 18, 2010

College ups and downs

wow you have got to love the ups and down of college. it's amazing how you can go from one minute to loving everyone and the next wondering what happend to the love you were having everyone. it's amazing what good friends can do for you as well. they strengthen you, bring you up, and make you smile when you dont want to smile. and while i'm at it, having a cell phone is amazing also because you can get in touch with whoever you want to. for me i'm glad to have mine because it's a easy way to get in touch with my family and to keep in touch with them.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Day of School

Well it's the first day of spring semester. With many new and old classes that I am taking i'm suprised i'm not more tired. I'm excited because i'm going to be able play the piano again. Since blogging is not something I know how to do if someone wants to tell me what I'm supposed to do let me know.